Friday, February 12, 2010


"E come quei che con lena affannata,
uscito fuor del pelago a la riva,
si volge a l'acqua perigliosa e guata.

And just as he who, with exhausted breath,
having escaped from the sea to shore,
turns to the perilous waters and gazes."

The Divine Comedy: The Inferno
Canto I, lines 22-24
Existence Part II
The fear of hell resignates to almost everyone that is slightly religious with varying degrees. From a Christian view point, Jesus came and died on the cross to save the world from its sins and the wrath of hell and all those who believe in Him and accept him as their Savor will have everlasting life and happiness with God in heaven, all those who don't shall perish and be sent to the depts of hell- roughly summarized.

Questions that have been perplexing me lately are the following: Why do we need saving? From whom do we need saving? Why did God put the "apple" or forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden if He knew it would tempt Adam and Eve? What was it about this particular fruit that changed the entire course of history for human beings? Why would God, in His infinite power and love, create us to be sinners or so easily tempted? Finally, what is sin really?

I'm a volitile or influential moment in my life, delving into the oceans of self-discovery and the meaning of life. I don't have the slightest clue about the answers to these difficult existencia questions. They just bat around in my head day-in and day-out. My opinions are fickle. Also if Jesus came died, scaraficed himself on the cross everyone to have everlasting life; and if we, by nature as humans, are sinners without the ability to ever be sin free, what is the difference between one sin and one million sins in a year? Didn't He die for us? So why is there so much persecution and hate still in this world?  Wouldn't that imply that no one is going to hell? Only the ones that don't take Jesus into their hearts? I find that hard to believe as Jesus was the most compassionate "man" to walk the planet. He taught of love and kindness, loving everyone: whores, murders, the sick, etc, while reprimanding those priest that were judging others. Why does hell exist?!

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